Dr. Mark Manchin with his wife of 50 years, Virginia "Gigi" Manchin.
Dr. Mark Manchin was born and raised in Farmington, WV, and attended public schools in Marion County. He graduated from WVU Potomac State College in 1971. While at PSC, he was a member of the football team. In 1976, he completed his undergraduate studies at Fairmont State College. He received a master’s degree in education administration at West Virginia University in 1982, and a Doctor of Education Administration from West Virginia University with a minor in curriculum and instruction, in 1986.
Backing up to his time at Potomac State, something else happened while Mark was a student there besides just playing on the football team, going to class, and graduating—he learned that song lyrics can come true. One day when leaving the Davis Hall dorm through the exit near the cafeteria (now known as the Davis Conference Center), a lovely young woman in a green dress caught his eye. Virginia Mastroguiseppe, known to her friends as “Gigi,” was standing right outside the door. Little did he know that she was about to color his world.
He saw Virginia around campus several more times but hadn’t worked up the courage to speak to her. One evening, he attended a dance at the Student Union, and he saw her there with her friends. He was with his friends, and he told them that he was going to finally talk to her.
“You have to understand that I wasn’t the smoothest guy, but I mustered up the courage and approached her,” Mark said. “We talked about music mostly, and I told her that my favorite song was ‘Color My World’ by Chicago. When the conversation tapered off, I went to the back of the room with my buddies.”
“While standing there, I heard the band leader call out, ‘We have a dedication for Mark. Is there a Mark out there?’ I wasn’t paying much attention, so it didn’t register that he might be talking about me. He continued to ask, ‘Is there a Mark out there? We have a dedication for Mark.’”
“It finally dawned on me—he might be talking about me. I shouted back to him that my name was Mark. Then the band started playing ‘Color My World.’ I stepped forward toward the bandstand. As I did, the crowd parted, and there stood Gigi.”
“We danced, and before the night was over, I asked her on a date. We went to LaVale one evening and saw the movie, ‘Love Story,’ and that was our first date. About 18 months later, in June 1972, we were dancing to ‘Color My World’ at our wedding. And the rest was history.”
Mark and Gigi celebrated 50 years of marriage before her untimely passing in July 2022. They have five children—Crystal, Antonio, Kathleen, Tara, and Scarlett—and three grandchildren, Corey, Casey, and Antonio James III.
In loving memory of his wife, Gigi, Mark’s donation supported the purchase of a bench that was placed near the location where he first saw his future wife. The gift was not only used to support this memorable tribute, but it also provided support to the President’s Discretionary Fund (2U095). This fund is used by the President for any high priority needs at WVU PSC. Anyone can contribute to the President’s Discretionary Fund online.
Mark’s meaningful tribute is a beautiful addition to campus. It stands as a legacy that celebrates the memory of Virginia “Gigi” Manchin and the connection they both have to Potomac State College.
After attending PSC and marrying Gigi, Mark served as a superintendent in various West Virginia counties and was elected to the West Virginia State Senate. He currently serves as president of Glenville State University, and the resides as the loving patriarch of the Manchin family.
This gift was made through the WVU Foundation, the nonprofit organization that receives and administers private donations on behalf of the University and its affiliates. For more information regarding how to donate to WVU Potomac State College, please reach out to Dr. Megan Webb, PSC director of development, at mwebb9@mail.wvu.edu.